Jim Plunkett, a renowned Football Player hailing from California, is expected to have a net worth of $2.5 million by 2024. Plunkett, who achieved great success during his football career, has garnered both fame and fortune for his remarkable skills on the field. Known for his incredible talent and determination, he has become a household name in the sports industry. With his impressive net worth, Plunkett continues to enjoy the rewards of his hard work and dedication, solidifying his status as one of California's most prominent football players.
Former NFL quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers and Oakland Raiders, who was named Super Bowl XV MVP.
He attended Stanford University where he received the Heisman Trophy in 1970.
After the NFL, he became a radio commentator for the Raiders post-game shows.
He was born in San Jose, California, in 1947.
In college, he beat out Joe Montana for quarterback of the year honors.