Lance Reddick, an American actor and musician, was well-known in the entertainment world. Despite having played a compelling number of roles in significant productions, he has gained attention for his roles as Phillip Broyles in Fringe and Cedric Daniels in The Wire.
Lance, who was 60 years old when he passed away on March 17, this year, was born on June 7, 1962. It is unknown what caused his death. Reddick earned a degree in classical music from Rochester, New York’s Eastman School of Music.
In his lifetime, Lance Reddick was married twice and had two children with his first spouse, Suzanne Yvonne Louis. They got hitched in 1986 but later got divorced. They still don’t know what caused their current split.
In 2011, Yvonne passed away from a sudden heart attack. Yvonne Nicole Reddick and Christopher Reddick are his children’s names. No children were born to Lance Reddick and Stephanie Reddick, his second wife.